Ceramic Bridges In Lebanon


Ceramic Bridges

What are Ceramic Bridges?

Ceramic bridges are a key restorative dental option for replacing one or more missing teeth. These bridges consist of ceramic prosthetic teeth anchored between two ceramic crowns, which serve as stable supports on neighbouring healthy teeth. Not only do they restore the functionality of missing teeth, but ceramic bridges also help maintain the natural shape of the face and improve the overall oral health.

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What makes me a candidate for ceramic bridges?

Good candidates for ceramic bridges are those missing one or more teeth with healthy teeth on either side of the empty space. These adjacent teeth need to be strong enough to support the bridge. Patients considering bridges should have good oral hygiene practices to maintain the health of the bridge and surrounding teeth.

What is the process behind ceramic bridges?

The bridge-making process starts with the preparation of the teeth adjacent to the gap, which involves reshaping these teeth to receive crowns that will support the bridge. Impressions of the prepared teeth are taken and sent to a dental lab or made in-house at the clinic where the bridge is crafted. Meanwhile, a temporary bridge may be placed. Once the permanent bridge is ready, it's fitted, adjusted, and cemented into place during a subsequent appointment.


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Can you explain what a ceramic bridge is?

A ceramic bridge is a fixed dental restoration used to replace one or more missing teeth by joining an artificial tooth definitively to adjacent teeth or dental implants. It is made from durable ceramic material that closely matches the natural color of your teeth, providing a functional and aesthetic replacement.

What makes someone a good candidate for a ceramic bridge?

You may be a candidate for a ceramic bridge if you have one or more missing teeth with healthy teeth on either side of the open space or have dental implants in place. Candidates should have good oral and overall health, with no active gum disease. A ceramic bridge requires solid support from surrounding teeth or implants, so the health of these structures is crucial.

Will people be able to tell that I have a bridge?

Ceramic bridges are designed to blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth. The ceramic material can be matched to the color of your surrounding teeth, making the bridge virtually indistinguishable to others.

Why should I consider a ceramic bridge?

Ceramic bridges offer several advantages: they provide a natural appearance, are strong and durable, and do not cause allergic reactions since they are metal-free. They restore the functionality of your teeth and prevent remaining teeth from shifting, which can lead to other oral health issues.

What steps are involved in the procedure?

Getting a ceramic bridge usually involves at least two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the anchor teeth are prepared by removing a portion of enamel to make room for a crown. Impressions of your teeth are taken and sent to a lab where the bridge is created. A temporary bridge is placed while the permanent bridge is made. On the second visit, the temporary bridge is removed and the new ceramic bridge is adjusted, fitted, and cemented into place.

How do I take care of my bridge to ensure it lasts?

Caring for a ceramic bridge is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily to remove debris between the teeth and under the bridge, and see your dentist regularly. Avoid chewing hard foods or ice with the bridge to prevent damage.


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