Meet Dr. Céline Moukarzel

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15+ Years of professional experience


English, Arabic, French

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Dr. Celine Moukarzel is a distinguished orthodontist at Hadi Akl Cosmetic Dentistry, specializing in dento-facial orthopedics and orthodontic care. She holds Master's degrees in Public Health and Biostatistics as well as in Dento-Facial Orthopedics, providing her with a comprehensive understanding of both the aesthetic and functional aspects of dental alignment.

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Since joining Hadi Akl Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Celine has applied her extensive academic background and clinical expertise to improve patients’ facial symmetry and dental health through innovative orthodontic solutions. Her approach integrates health statistics to tailor treatments that are both effective and minimally invasive.


In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Celine is committed to ongoing professional development and research in orthodontics, ensuring that her patients receive the most current and effective treatments available. Her work is characterized by a meticulous attention to detail and a dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes for her patients.

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